Basically this is some stuff ive been workin on. the first one is a caricature of a co-worker. he said he wanted me to make him look ridiculous but after he saw it he was embarassed. i didnt think it looked that bad...
the other two pictures were just some quick commissions i did. the first guy wanted me to draw his is anime style... which i dont do but i tried anyways...
second one was pretty straight forward. just the clients character named "Mek"...
Heres a quick monotone caricature i did of jerry seinfeld about a week ago. im pretty new to doing caricatures and ive been having trouble getting likenesses down.
Hey. My name is David Patel and Im and artist who currently lives in San Diego, California. It seems like everyone is blogging these day, therefore i created one too and hopefully this will get me some exposure and make me draw a lot more. You can see some of my work at .